Copywriting Elements You Must Know
Brainstorm Lots Of Ideas – Spend a session doing nothing but writing down headline ideas. Write dozens, or even hundreds of headlines, before selecting one. Your headline represents 80% of your copy’s success. Make sure you have the right one.
Be Truthful – NEVER mislead the reader with your headline! You’ll not only lose the sale, but worse…your reputation.
Always Focus On A Benefit – You capture someone’s attention by making a statement that expresses a unique benefit to them. Make clear, vivid benefits the highlight of your headlines.
Use Power Words – Include words in your headlines such as:
Discover Free Easy How To Results New Proven Quick Why Now Announcing Introducing |
Be Specific – Be specific when using facts and figures in your headline.
Identify With Your Market – When writing to mothers, mention the word, ‘mothers,’ somewhere in your headline.
Make It Red – The purpose of your headline is to grab people’s attention. Red is a color that demands to be noticed, and will help bring attention to your headline.
Put It In Quotes – Statements placed in quotes (“”) are perceived to have more authority behind them.
Center It – When you center your headline on the page, it gives it visual position of importance.
Cap Your Words – Begin each word in your headline with a capital letter. This makes each word appear important.
Avoid Using ALL CAPS – Use both upper and lowercase letters.
Forget About Using A Period – A period (.) indicates the end of a statement, and that the reader should prepare their mind for the next thought. You want them to think about your headline for a while, so don’t include a period.
The Shorter, The Better – Use shorter headlines. They’re easier to understand, so they tend to have a greater impact!
Group Words Logically – When using multi-line headlines, group the words on each line so they make sense on their own:
“Dance The Salsa Like A Professional In Less Than 7 Days… Guaranteed!” |
Related Searches:
headline tips – Videos
how to headlines – Videos
writing great headlines – Videos
headline ideas
Headline Formulas
Ask A Question – Engage the reader’s mind by asking them a question that requires a positive response:
“Are You Ready To Spend
More Quality Time With Your Family,
And Less Time At The Office?”
Use A Testimonial – Let your customers speak for you:
“I Never Thought I Could Play
A Guitar Solo That Could Impress Anyone,
But After 4 Standing Ovations,
I’m Convinced!”
Include Your Guarantee – Back up the validity of your headline by incorporating your guarantee:
“In Less Than 30 Days,
You’ll Be Sleeping Better Than Your 5-Year Old,
Or I’ll Give You A Full Refund”
Tie It To A Current News Item – Associating your headline with something recently in the news adds credibility, freshness, and urgency to it:
“The Current Crisis In The Middle East
Is About To Trigger An Explosive Green Energy Boon –
Are You Ready For It?”
Add A Time Element – People want quick results. Include a time-limit in your headline (“10 minutes a day”, “in just 7 days”, etc.) to give them a tangible expectation of when they can expect results:
“Discover The Secrets To
Typing Like An Executive Secretary
In Just 7 Days”
Announce Something Big – Let the reader know that something huge is on the horizon:
“Announcing A Health Discovery
That May Put Your Dermatologist
Out Of Business”
Enter The Conversation In Their Head – Tap into the conversation your reader is having in their mind – why their problem is overwhelming them or keeping them awake at night:
“Don’t Let The Fear Of
How You’re Going To Feed Your Family Next Week
Keep You Awake Any Longer”
Make A Comparison – Compare the specific results of your product with those of another:
“The Super-Soaker Carpet Cleaner
Removes 30% More Dirt
Than Its Nearest Competitor”
Tell A Story – Connect with the reader right away by sharing an attention-grabbing part of a story:
“Last Year, I Went From Being $137,219.32 In Debt,
To Owning My Home, Free And Clear –
Let Me Tell You The Secret To How I Did It”
Give A Command – Simply tell your reader what to do:
“Reach Into Your Back Pocket,
Open Your Wallet,
And Tell Me Whether It’s As Full
As You Want It To Be”Make A Recommendation – Share your expertise:
“The 3 Best Ways To Take Control
Of An Out-Of-Control Dog”
Share A How To – Promise to teach the reader something actionable they can use immediately:
“How To Squeeze More Productivity
From Every Hour Of Your Day”
Use Statistics – Use relevant facts and figures to make a shocking revelation:
“This Year Alone,
More Than 1.2 Million People
Will Lose Their Home –
Will You Be One Of Them”
Offer Something Of Value – Give something valuable away for free:
“Grab This FREE Special Report,
And Discover How To Cut Your Taxes By 1/3 –
Even While Making More Money”
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headline formulas
headline swipe file

Spend More Time Writing Copy That Gets Results, Less Time Learning How To!
Easy to learn, Easy to use, Able to produce dramatic results
Get Attention, Right Away – Throw the best you’ve got at the reader, right out of the gate. Make the lead so magnetic, shocking, or emotionally charged, that it sets the tone for what the reader can expect from reading the rest of your copy:
Debunk a commonly held belief – “Your doctor probably has no idea how to cure your ongoing headaches.” Make a prediction – “3 years from now, nearly everyone on the planet will be affected with what I’m going to reveal to you right now.” Provide some relevant facts and figures – “Last year, more than 247,367 people lost their jobs because they didn’t have this easy-to-learn skill” Tell a story – “I’ll never forget the day I walked into the kitchen to tell my wife we were loosing our home.” State your offer – “I want to show you how to get more done in a single day than most people get done in a week, using a simple 3-step system you can begin using today!” Make a promise – “By the time you’re done reading this page, you’ll know how to stop your dog from barking on command, every single time!” Ask a question – “Have you ever wondered why your credit card debt seems to never go away, despite paying faithfully for years and years?” Share a secret – “I’m about to reveal something to you that has enabled me to make a 6-figure income for the last 4 years, working only 15 hours a week.” |
Follow The Flow – Write your lead so that what you say flows smoothly from what you said in your headline.
Get To The Point – Your reader isn’t interested in small talk, so don’t waste any time getting to the point with your opening.
Maintain Focus On The Reader – You want to include the word ‘you’ in your lead, as well as focus on the main emotional benefit your product offers to the reader.
Use Specific Salutations – Don’t say ‘Dear Sir’, but ‘Dear Fellow Scrapbooker.’ Use of the word ‘Fellow’ creates an instant connection between you and the reader; they’re reading something from someone who does what they do.
Use A Drop Cap – Make the first letter of your lead a drop cap (a very large letter). This is a great way to draw the readers eye to your lead.
Related Searches:
drop caps – Images
Make Your Copy Digestible – Use subheads as often as possible, they make your copy easier to scan and read. No only that, but they give you more opportunities to catch the reader’s attention with a statement that could pull them deeper into your copy, increasing your chances of getting them to take action!
Tell A Story – Review your subheads to make sure that when read, one after the other, they tell the complete story of your sales letter.
Tie Them To Your Main Benefit – Subheadlines should be related to the main benefit of your product or service.
Keep Them Relevant – A subhead should be directly related to the content that follows it.
Don’t Skimp – Subheads should be strong enough to be used as headlines, and should stir the reader’s curiosity to read more.
Learn To Recycle – A great source for subheadline ideas are your discarded main headline ideas.
Focus On Benefits – Each bullet must contain a benefit. It should solicit a response in the readers mind of, ‘Yes, that would be nice!’
Answer A ‘Why’ – People need reasons ‘why’ in order to feel compelled to take action. Use bullets to provide plenty of clear, concise, simple reasons why they should take action!
Use Blind Bullets – Give just enough information in the bullet to leave the reader curious to know the answer. For example:
Discover one of the most common ideas about saving money that ends up costing more than it’s worth! |
Make Them Visually Appealing – Alternate the styling of individual bullets in a group – it’s easier on the eyes:
Bold Unbold Bold Unbold |
Use Plenty Of White Space – Include enough white space between bullets to make them easy to scan.
Spice Them Up With Graphics – Use a checkmark image or some other colorful graphic to make your bullets stand out even more.
Keep Them Short – It’s best to keep each bullet point to no more than 3 lines each. If you go any longer, you begin to defeat the purpose of using bullets in the first place – scalability.
Use Bullets Generously – Include several sections of bullets in your copy. They’re a great way to break up long blocks of text, and each section ‘piles on the value’ of your product in the readers’ eyes.
List Your Bullets Strategically – List bullets in order of importance as follows:
The most important benefit The second most important benefit Less important point Less important point Third most important benefit |
Front-Load Your Bullets – Put important keywords or phrases at the beginning of each bullet.
Strive For Symmetry – Keep your bullets symmetrical when possible; Keep them all just 1 line, 2 lines, or 3 lines.
Look To Amazon For Inspiration – Need ideas for bullets? Go to and review the table of contents of some of the most popular books in your niche. Each item is a potential bullet!
General Styling
Use Formatting To Your Advantage – Formatting of various elements in your copy should be done to emphasize key points. But don’t overdo it, because when everything is special, then nothing is!
Use Fonts Creatively – Using various fonts for different elements makes them stand out better, but avoid using too many fonts, which can make your copy look like a ransom note.
Add Some Excitement – Italics, underlining, bolding, and ALL CAPS add excitement to your writing.
Format To Tell A Hidden Story – When read in order, bolded, italicized, and underlined words should tell their own story – in and of themselves – without the need for the surrounding text.
Highlight In A Familiar Way – Use yellow highlighting to emphasize key words or phrases, but use it sparingly.
Use White Space Generously – Use plenty of white space, it makes your copy easier read and understand.
Keep Columns Narrow – Wide columns of text require the reader’s eyes to move a greater distance to leave the end of one line of text and begin the next. Narrower columns help reduce fatigue from this eye movement.
Stick With Standard Fonts – Use easy-to-read fonts such as Times New Roman, Courier New, or Arial (for the Web).
Don’t Do Reverse – Avoid reverse type, or light-colored text against a dark background. It’s harder to read than black text on a white background.
Graphics & Photos
Keep Graphics In Their Place – Words sell – graphics and images simply support the words.
Let Them See What They Get – Include images of your product. Be sure to include images of everything that comes with your offer (every last book, tip sheet, CD, workbook – everything).
Don’t Reveal Too Soon – Avoid showing images of your product early in your copy. It may alert your reader they’re about to be sold, causing them to move on to something else. Sell them emotionally first.
Show Them The Interface – If you’re selling software, include screenshots of the interface.
Related Searches:
screenshots software
screenshot software reviews
how to take a screenshot – Videos
Tap Into The Human Connection – Whenever possible, use pictures of human beings instead of objects – people connect with people.
Show People Experiencing The Result – When using pictures of people, make sure they represent the image you want your reader to identify with while, or after, using the product or service.
Show The Creator In Action – Use an image of the creator/author of the product. Action shots (like those of the person speaking or answering questions at a seminar) work better than studio shots.
Visually Demonstrate The Main Benefit – Use an image that represents the main benefit of the product or service. If the main benefit is more time, show an image of a person playing with their kids, or working on a hobby.
Use Images To Lead The Reader’s Eyes – Make sure that elements in the photo point in the direction you want to lead your readers. For example, people facing toward the right of the photo will lead your readers that way, perhaps to an important headline.
Show Before & After Results – Where applicable, use before and after shots – indicate that they are original, untouched, unaltered images (make sure they are).
Give Younger Readers More Visuals – Use more graphics when appealing to a younger market. They’re used to more visual elements and tend to become quickly uninterested in the absence of them.
Add Some Doodles – Include ‘hand-written’ notes and symbols (stars, circles, etc.) in the margins of your copy to make certain points stand out, and make it feel more personal.
Related Searches:
copy doodles
Use Attention-Grabbing Photos – The best attention-grabbing photos include:
Babies A pretty girl Happy people Mothers with babies Groups of adults Animals Sports scenes Celebrities Food |
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stock photos
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photo editor
online photo editor

Spend More Time Writing Copy That Gets Results, Less Time Learning How To!
Easy to learn, Easy to use, Able to produce dramatic results
Remember Why You Need Proof – Proof is less about you convincing the reader, and more about the reader convincing themselves, which is way more effective. Proof enhances the trust the reader has in what you say.
Be Specific – Use as many details and as much specificity in your proof as possible.
Front-Load Your Proof – Put your most compelling proof towards the top of your copy.
Be Honest – It should go without saying that your proof must always be truthful and real. NEVER make it up!
Keep It Legal – The U.S. Federal Trade Commission provides a set of guidelines that you must follow when using testimonials, endorsements, and other forms of proof. Either run your proof by an attorney, or research the guidelines yourself with the following searches.
Related Searches:
new ftc guidelines – Videos
ftc testimonial | endorsement guidelines
Remember Why Testimonials Work – People are often persuaded by their peers.
Loose The Hype – Although you can’t control what your customers say, it’s best if they can provide an honest review of their experience with your product without using hypey words such as, ‘amazing’, ‘mind-blowing’, or ‘incredible.’ These kinds of words make your testimonials sound less sincere.
Focus On Results – Use testimonials that discuss the achievement of the desired result of the product. Avoid irrelevant or general testimonials.
Place Testimonials With A Purpose – Use these guidelines when placing testimonials on the page:
Place testimonials that discuss a specific benefit somewhere close to where that benefit is discussed in the copy. Place a large chunk of testimonials at the end of your copy. Be sure to include your call to action after the last testimonial. Place testimonials in a column along the right side of the page. |
Go For Quality Over Quantity – A few quality testimonials are worth more than 10 testimonials that are vague and hypey.
Use A Headline – Begin each testimonial with a headline, which should be a quote from the customer that highlights their positive results.
Include Plenty Of Details – When possible, include a picture, signature, full name, Website, and the title/position of the customer. Remember specificity promotes trust in you and your message.
Don’t Over-Produce Images – When including images with testimonials, make sure they don’t look too produced (perfect color, sharpness, a studio background, etc.), as these tend to look less authentic than somewhat blurry, ‘at-home’ photos.
Use Video – Ask your customers to record a short video testimonial (YouTube has a feature that allows them to do this). When using video testimonials, never set them to autoplay.
Related Searches:
youtube quickcapture – Videos
Get The Best You Can – Audio testimonials are usually better than text, and video is usually better than audio. Once again, the more human you can make your testimonials, the better.
Use Creative Ways To Get Testimonials – Use these ideas to grow your file of testimonials:
Provide a testimonial page or form on your site. Provide a link to this page in your products and emails. If you use an autoresponder, include a message in your sequence that asks for a testimonial or feedback. Provide a link to your testimonial page. When asking for a testimonial, make it clear that you value your customer’s opinion. People love offering their opinion. Timing is everything; Ask for testimonials just after you wow the customer, such as at the end of a seminar, a course, or after answering a question for them. Get video testimonials after you speak at an event, or take a camera to your client and ask for a brief testimonial. When writing for a client, ask them for any testimonials they have. |
Related Searches:
getting | acquiring testimonials – Videos
testimonial tips
Other Forms Of Proof
Obtain Endorsements – Do what you can to obtain endorsements for your product from:
Industry experts Professionals in the field Celebrities |
Put Your Credentials To Work – Answers the question of ‘why should I listen to you?’:
List any awards, affiliations, and accomplishments. Use your age, experience, and years in business. Mention the titles of any books authored. List certifications. Include the name of schools and/or any distinguished or recognizable instructors. Include a well-crafted bio. Emphasize how you are not a know-it-all, but instead how you’re really, really good at achieving the result the reader wants. |
Share Your Track Record – Prove to your readers that you and your product have a great history of results:
Provide case studies of your best students’ results (in the form of a report, or an audio/video interview). State the number of customers you have served. State the number of products you have sold. State the number of years your product has been around. |
Use Media To Your Advantage – Include:
Screenshots of earnings, checks, and bank statements. Charts and graphs. Even if the reader doesn’t completely understand them (hopefully they do), it still adds a look of credibility. Before and after shots. Video demos. Newspaper clippings and write ups from authoritative resources. Use logos where possible. Photos of events (especially if you’re a speaker). |
Get Others To Back You Up – Use relevant 3rd-party data:
Find government reports that back up your claims. Provide technical data and statistics that back up your claims. |
Transfer Credibility – Use graphics, symbols, and when possible, logos, on your sales page that the reader already considers credible. This subtly ‘transfers’ that credibility to your product.
Bonuses & Premiums
Be Creative – Bonuses and premiums can be information products (such as reports, tip sheets, forms, etc.), or physical products (such as a CD, DVD, or book).
Turn A Promise Into A Bonus – One of the best bonuses is to take one or two of your product’s smaller promises or benefits and turn those into special reports.
Provide Real Value – Each bonus should be valuable enough that the reader would buy it based on its own merit.
Indicate The Value – Include the value of the bonus next to the description of the bonus. Be specific with the amount you show.
Show A Rundown – When offering multiple bonuses, display a summary rundown containing the value of each bonus item, with a total at the bottom.
Make Your Bonuses Tangible – Include an image of each bonus to make it more real to your reader. Use virtual covers and boxes for digital products.
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ebook cover – Videos
ebook cover photoshop action
ecover software – Videos
Avoid Bonus Overload – Too many bonuses can:
Confuse the reader and take their focus off your main product. Make buyers suspicious that the bonuses are being used to deflect from a lack of quality in the main product. Result in more refunds, as they tend to push the reader to buy when they wouldn’t have otherwise, thus it’s easier for them to regret their decision later. |
Let Luxury Stand On Its Own – Bonuses can diminish the perceived value of expensive or luxury items. If the product or service is truly elite and desirable, the addition of a bonus can seem suspicious or cheap.

Spend More Time Writing Copy That Gets Results, Less Time Learning How To!
Easy to learn, Easy to use, Able to produce dramatic results
Make It Longer – The longer your guarantee (time-wise), the more sales you’ll likely get.
Put It Where It They Can See It – Don’t try to hide or minimize your guarantee, which gives the impression you’re afraid someone might see it and actually use it. Make it totally obvious, showing your reader you’re confident enough in your product to offer the guarantee.
Sign It – Most people tend to give more credibility to anything that contains a signature. Use this to your advantage by including your signature inside your guarantee.
Seal It – Include a seal graphic with your guarantee, which will give it a higher perceived importance and validity.
Related Searches:
guarantee seal – Images
Write It Out – Write out your guarantee by hand (use blue ink). This will humanize it more and add a layer of trust.
Let Them Keep The Bonuses – Indicate that the reader can keep the valuable bonuses, even if they choose to ask for a refund. Be sure to restate the value of bonuses in specific monetary terms.
Lose The Legalese – Make your guarantee easy to read and understand by editing out any hard-to-understand legalese. Remember, if it’s confusing, or looks too legal, it will probably raise your reader’s resistance to your offer.
Use A Multi-Guarantee – Break up elements of your guarantee into a set of bullet points, which will give it more of an overall perceived value. Name the bullets Guarantee 1, Guarantee 2, etc.
Do A Video – Create a video-based guarantee, where you share the content of the guarantee with the reader, face-to-face. This increases the believability of what you promise.
Avoid Using Multiple-Your-Money-back Guarantees – These kinds of guarantees sound too desperate and hypey. A legitimate product can stand on its own with a standard money-back guarantee.
Don’t Promise Specific Results – Promising specific results is not only impossible to do, but in some places, it’s illegal. So don’t do it!
Do A Legal Check – Run your guarantee by the legal department (if you have one), or have your attorney review it. You don’t want to promise something that might get you in hot water sometime later.
Test It – Include your guarantee in any split-testing you do on your copy.
Use These Powerful Phrases – Include these time-tested phrases somewhere in your guarantee copy:
“prompt and courteous refund” “no hassles, no questions asked, no hard feelings refund” “no questions asked” “Better-Than-Risk-Free” “You Can’t Lose!” “Unconditional, Money-Back Guarantee” “Your Money Back, No Questions Asked” “I Personally Guarantee” “No Way That You Can Lose” “30-Day Free Examination” “Iron-Clad Money-Back Guarantee” “100% On-The-Spot Full Refund” “Absolutely No Risk To You!” “100%, no-hassle refund!” |
Order/Call To Action
Don’t Apologize – Never come across apologetic when stating your offer. Be clear, to-the-point, and confident that what you have to offer is something of immense value.
Tell Them Specifically What To Do – Give clear, specific directions for ordering and receiving of goods, even a simple step-by-step guide of the process. Tell your reader what to do!
Let Them Know What To Expect – Tell the purchaser when they will receive the product, and in what form.
Use Scarcity – The reader must be given a compelling reason to order right now – this very moment! Use one of these scarcity strategies:
Limited copies – Limit the number of units that are for sale. On the Web, show a dynamically updated number of units that are still available, and cross-out the original number. Limited time – Explain that the offer will be removed, or the price increased, after a certain time-limit has passed. On the Web, include a countdown timer with a warning symbol (a graphic), with the words: “This Offer Ends In XX:XX (days, hours, or minutes).” Related Searches:javascript countdown Limited guarantee – Offer a longer or better guarantee for people who purchase within a certain time frame, or who are among the first 500 customers. Limited bonuses or premiums – Remove certain bonuses or premiums after a number of units have sold, or time has passed. This is especially effective when the premiums come from a third party, as you have no control as to when that 3rd-party will want their bonus(es) removed. Limited price – Let the reader know that the price will go up after the initial product marketing ‘testing.’ Limited extras – Offer free shipping, support, or installation for a limited time, or units sold. |
Be Honest About Your Claims – Never use untruthful tactics when implementing scarcity. Be true to your deadlines, number of copies, etc.
Tell Them Why – Provide a reason why only a limited time or number of products are available. Giving a valid reason instills trust, and lets your reader know that you’re not just ‘blowing smoke.’
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scarcity copywritingscarcity principle
psychology of scarcity
Order Form
Assume The Sale – Include elements that assume the reader is sold:
Start the order form with the word “Yes!”, followed by the promise of your offer: “Yes! I’m ready to squeeze more time out of every day.” This creates the assumption that the reader is consenting to your offer. Include a checkbox and make it appear already checked. Include 2 or 3 of your most important benefits in your order form. Use the voice of the reader: “I want to learn the 5 easiest ways to lose weight eating chocolate.” Or, “I want to take advantage of your lifetime guarantee!” |
Avoid Negative Associations – Never use the words ‘Order’ or ‘Form’ to describe your order form. These words typically have negative associations in most readers’ minds. Call it a ‘Risk-Free Acceptance Certificate.’
Label Your Order Button Correctly – Use the phrase ‘Add To Cart’, as the text for your order button. This works much better than ‘Order Now.’
Make It Inviting – Make your order form graphically pleasing. Include an image of your product, or of smiling people. Surround it with a certificate-looking border, or dash border.
Show Them What You Accept – Include images of the forms of payment you accept, such as credit cards, eCheck, etc.
Provide Some Peace Of Mind – Indicate that the ordering process is secure (make sure it us). For better results, include a lock graphic, or something similar, to denote the idea of security.
Keep It Simple – Your order form should be uncluttered, clean, and easy to follow.
Use A Slam-Dunk Approach – Convince your reader to accept the value of a higher price, then BAM!…offer them a discount.
Visually Cancel-Out Higher Prices – Use a strike-through on a high price when offering a discounted price.
Avoid Percentage Discounts – When stating a discount, avoid using percentages (40% off). Readers don’t do math! State the discount as a figure ($27.13).
Explain Your Discount – Always provide a reason for a discounted price. Otherwise, it simply looks like meaningless marketing fluff.
Use Supermarket Pricing – Use prices that end prices in 7 (27.77 – 49.97). This indicates your attention to detail and conveys the idea that you’re not asking for a cent more than your product or service is worth.
Use Prestige Pricing – For high-end products, use prestige pricing, or a price that ends in a round number ($1000.00 instead of $997.00). This indicates that your product is less about value and more about top-quality results.
Price Your Product Based On Its Value – Price isn’t dependent on the physical size of your product, but the value of its content to the customer.
Amortize The Cost – Split your price down to number of uses: “If you grab my product for $47.77 and use it 100 times, that’s just 47 cents per use. That’s much less than the $200 per hour you’d pay a professional.”
Explain The Savings – Explain how much money the reader is saving by using your product.
Make The Value Of The Product Clear – Justify the price by providing details into the development of your product, and what it would cost the reader to have something similar created themselves.
Explain The Cost Of Inaction – Make it clear to your reader what it will cost them (in time and money) if they don’t order your product right now.
Provide A Point Of Reference – Share with your reader the price others have paid for your product in the past.
Related Searches:
how to price a product – Videos
product pricing strategy – Videos
Add A Signature To Your Copy – Include your signature with all your copy. It’s a way of showing the reader your approval of what has been written – you’re willing to attach your name and reputation to it!
Go Blue – If possible, use a blue ‘ink’ version of your signature. It looks more authentic and less like it came off a ‘copy machine.’
Provide A Printed Version – Include your typed/printed name after the signature graphic. This makes your copy look more professional.
Related Searches:
scan your signature
Realize Their Power – The P.S. is typically the 2nd most-read part of your copy, after your headline.
Go Easy On Them – Avoid using too many P.S.’s. It will diminish their value and impact.
Use Them Creatively – Use a P.S. To:
Review your offer Restate your guarantee Restate your product’s ultimate benefit Include a case study Answer FAQs Provide a video |
Contact & Support
Provide Several Clear Points Of Contact – Provide clear information for how the reader can reach you for support – a personal email address (not info@ or support@ or webmaster@), phone number, address, URL, etc.
Be Informative – Provide a Contact page that includes a mailing address and phone number, as well as photos and bios of you and your staff. This shows customers they’re doing business with real people.
Don’t Abbreviate – Avoid abbreviations in contact details as they may not be understood by everyone, especially those in other countries.
Respond Quickly – Answer emails and voicemails quickly (24 hours or less). Not only will the people who contact you appreciate it, but it helps eliminate stress from your life.
Motivate The Reader To Contact You – When providing a URL or phone number, provide the reader a reason to contact you. Offer them a free report, tips, a complimentary subscription to your newsletter, etc.
Be Social – If you use Twitter or Facebook, provide links to these pages as well.
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social marketing – Videos
social marketing tips – Videos
twitter tips – Videostwitter marketing tips – Videos
facebook tips – Videos
facebook marketing tips – Videos
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contact page tips
Protect Yourself – Provide links in your copy to all of these:
Privacy Statement
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privacy statement example
privacy statement template
privacy statement generator
Earnings Disclaimer
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privacy statement template
privacy statement generator
Terms Of Use
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privacy statement template
privacy statement generator